Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I recently read The Hunt For Red October. I made the same mistake again and watched the movie. I read the book first, so, this time I was waiting for things to happen in the movie that never materialized. Maybe, you should either read or watch, not both. The main character Jack Ryan, is once again out to save the world. He saves the day and the world from a death submarine that was built for one reason, to start a war. The book is very exciting and leaves you in suspense the whole time. If you do not like action, this book is not for you. The book is one of several pieces where Jack is the main character. It is like James Bond. How many adventures can one man have? Not enough, obviously. I did enjoy the read and liked the Movie as well. I wish there was more time in my day. When I lay down to read, I feel like I am neglecting something important. Maybe when all settles down in life I will be able to enjoy reading for liesure. Until then, It won't happen often.

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